Heroic Learning

With Clark Aldrich

The temporary home while we are rebuilding ShortSims.

Heroic Learning

​​​The Hero's Journey is not just a story telling template.  It is the model of every time we have grown significantly in our lives.  

We want to be heroes.  We are motivated by goals that make a difference and are worthy of our talents and passions.  We value anything that helps us make progress. We grow through the teams around us, the projects, and coaches who help not judge. Educational content is sometimes helpful.  We are suspicious of the people with power over us.  We understand success is hard won.  But the more Journeys we complete, the more powerful we become. 

CEOs know that heroes provide more than 10 times the value of everyone else.  And organizations, from schools to corporations, are now realizing that when they do not feed the heroes, they lose the heroes. 

How to feed the heroes today is predictable, rigorous, and far different than how most institutions and roles are currently organized. 

My next book will be on Heroic Learning, and building cultures for the best in us.